Welcome to the latest edition of the Weekly Pulse, a weekly Algorand news wrap-up segment presented by Algopulse. As ever, we welcome your feedback so if there is anything you would like us to add, please let us know on Twitter, Discord, or Telegram. For more from Algopulse visit https://www.algopulse.io/.
IBFNet Announce Affulence – a New NFT Marketplace
INFNet have announced that they are building a new NFT marketplace powered by the Algorand blockchain. The platform will be called Affluence and will allow for unique functionality including buy-now-pay-later and collateral-based financing options. In its launch press release the project has promised that its platform will be capable of: converting physical assets into digital ones (NFTs), creating and selling NFTs in single or multiple copies, collective ownership, centralized NFT showcasing, fixed sale prices, and more.
Limewire Reveal Updated Roadmap
The Limewire project have this week published an updated roadmap revealing new timelines for key milestones in 2022. The former web2 music giant has reinvented itself as a new NFT platform built on the Algorand network. Key milestones for users to look forward to including an invite-only private token sale in April, the product launch in May, and the public token sale in Q4. Explore the full roadmap here.
Algorand Make Strong Showing at Crypto Bahamas
Algorand has made yet another strong showing at an international blockchain conference this week with several appearances at the Crypto Bahamas event in Nassau. A number of the ecosystem’s most prominent figureheads are in attendance including Founder Silvio Micali and COO as well as Sky Bridge Capital CEO Anthony Scaramucci who is an outspoken supporter of Algorand. Silvio Micali also joined a panel called Ready Layer-1 to discuss layer-1 technology with a number of other industry leaders from a variety of chains.
Pera Announce New ASA Verification System
Pera Wallet have this week announced a revamped approach for ASA verification on their platform. This will see a 2-tiered system integrated to provide further clarification to users about the trustworthiness of assets. Tier 1 or verified will be the base level of verification that all creators will need to navigate and be awarded in an automatic process. By contrast, getting tier 2 or trusted status involves a manual process in which Pera will identify assets and make an independent assessment prior to awarding this level of verification.
Flare Receives Algorand Foundation to Build Bridge Protocol
The Algorand Foundation have awarded a SupaGrant to Flare, a new bridge protocol looking to increase Bitcoin accessibility in the Algorand ecosystem. In addition to BTC, Flare is looking at future interoperability with other non-smart contract assets such as DOGE, LTC, XRP, and XLM.
“We’re excited to partner with Flare and welcome them to the Algorand ecosystem,” said Daniel Oon of Algorand Foundation.
“Our grant partnership with Flare will develop key DeFi infrastructure with a bridge to Bitcoin, opening up opportunities for further collaboration and innovation. We look forward to our partnership bringing value to our respective communities.”
Times Square Takeover Receives Widespread Media Coverage
Following Algorand’s takeover of Times Square last week to mark Earth Day celebrations mainstream coverage of the blockchain has increased significantly. Algorand Foundation CEO Staci Warden appeared on several high-profile television networks for interviews including Bloomberg. As well as this coverage in written or video form came from Coin Desk, Now This News, and more. For one hour on Earth Day Algorand took over Times Square to blackout 19 billboards a move that equates to the power needed to execute 350 million finalized transactions on the Algorand network.
Pact Announce Prismatic Partnership
Algorand AMM Pact has announced a new strategic partnership with DAO platform Prismatic. The exciting announcement will see Pact be able to consolidate their protocol with Prismatic DAO tooling.
“We look forward to a long-term partnership with Prismatic to further improve the decentralized finance (DeFi) experience for DAOs and liquidity providers on Algorand,” said Dojo, core contributor of Pact. “As two organizations that share many common goals with respect to empowering communities, democratization of finance and sustainability, we are delighted to collaborate to bring in the next generation of secure and user-friendly DeFi. We look forward to having Prismatic tooling to support our eventual evolution into a DAO.”
FTX Lists Algorand
Algorand has this week announced a partnership with popular cryptocurrency exchange FTX that will see the Algorand asset made available for users on the platform. Initial trading pairs users will be able to take advantage of on the platform include ALGO/USD, and ALGO/USDT. FTX founder and CEO Sam Bankman-Fried is also in attendance at this week’s Crypto Bahamas event alongside several key Algorand ecosystem leads. As of July 2021, the FTX averages $10 billion of daily trading volume and has over one million users meaning Algorand going on the platform will significantly increase its accessibility.
Loftyai Receives Mainstream Coverage
Real estate based Algorand NFT project Loftyai has this week featured in globally renowned finance publication NBC. The article discussed Lofty’s revolutionary product that will allow users to own tokens that represent partial ownership of real estate properties. Once a user acquires a token they will then be able to participate in governance by voting on key decisions weighted proportionally to the tokens they hold.
Algorand Staff Receive Prestigious Award
Algorand have announced this week that two of its staff members have become recipients of the prestigious Edsger W. Dijkstra Paper Prize in Distributed Computing. The award is given out for outstanding papers on the principles of distributed computing, whose significance and impact on the theory and/or practice of distributed computing has been evident for at least a decade. A huge congratulations to Maurice Herlihy and Victor Luchangco on this remarkable achievement.
Price Watch

Thank you for reading this week’s edition of the Weekly Pulse as we look forward to continue bringing this content to the Algorand Community. Was there anything that we missed? If so let us know on Twitter, Discord, or Telegram where you can also send us any news you see throughout next week for our next installment. For more from Algopulse visit https://www.algopulse.io/.