Welcome to NFT Watch presented by Algopulse, a weekly series covering all the latest news in the Algorand NFT space. We’ll be looking into the biggest drops, sales, and platforms on the market so that you can keep tabs on this rapidly growing area. For more from Algopulse visit https://www.algopulse.io/.
Algorand hosts Q&A with tiger chi
Algorand have completed a Q&A with the popular NFT brand TigerChi to provide the community with more information about the project. Through the chat the project founders Tian and Yangyang discussed their journey in the NFT space, the inspiration for their artwork, the choice of Algorand as their platform, and their goals for the future. TigerChi initially launched in February with a collection of 888 NFTs on Algorand with all the tigers now sold. The TigerChi team also upheld a record of selling 50 TigerChi within 2 minutes on its weekly shuffle, and its most recent shuffle of 35 tigers sold out in merely 50 seconds.
Opulous MFT Album Sale With KYLE Begins
The first-ever Opulous full album MFT album “Its Not So Bad by Kyle” launched on June 1. The album contains 12 tracks which MFT holders will collect royalties from. “I wanted to release a whole MFT album with Opulous so that my fans and I can get closer to a model of becoming successful as a unit, redefining success together,” said KYLE.
“Sharing this experience with fans and maybe even friends and family is a valuable thing. I don’t think anything will be able to match the feeling as we cross the finish line together.”
Users can purchase the MFT here before the sale closes.
PoppinPuffins Reveals Launch Details
Popular former Luna-based NFT project Poppin Puffins have confirmed the details of their relaunch on Algorand. The project have announced a tentative mint date of June 3 taking place on Rand Gallery. They have also confirmed that NFTs will be given a whitelist price of 100 ALGO and a public price of 200 ALGO. The collection is set to be made up of approximately 4600 unique NFTs.
Graffe Launch New Staking Feature
The Graffe NFT project have launched a new staking feature allowing holders to stake their Gs for a range of rewards. For each G successfully staked in the program, holders receive a voucher for one free Supernatural G with a top-50% rarity ranking. With two staking periods, S1 and S2, scheduled from June-August 2022, each staked G can accumulate at least two of these vouchers.
MNGO Artist Stitch Bob Shares Tricks of Algorand NFT Trade
The artist behind MNGO and a number of other successful Algorand NFT ventures Stitch Bob, has created a new series on the MNGO website sharing their learning on how to create a successful NFT series on Algorand. The series is diving into a range of topics including how to break into the space, build a community, and general advice. MNGO currently ranks as the second-largest NFT project on Algorand in terms of sales volume behind only Al Goanna.
Algorand Weekly NFT Stats
Top 10 Algorand NFT Projects in All-Time Sales Volume on NFT Explorer

Top 5 Algorand NFT Projects in Sales Volume Last Week on NFT Explorer

Thank you for reading the latest edition of NFT Watch presented by Algopulse. We look forward to bringing more of this content to the Algorand Community. If you think there is something we should have covered, or if you see some exciting Algorand NFT news for our next installment, please let us know on Twitter, Discord, or Telegram. For more from Algopulse visit https://www.algopulse.io/.