Welcome to NFT Watch presented by Algopulse, a weekly series covering all the latest news in the Algorand NFT space. We’ll be looking into the biggest drops, sales, and platforms on the market so that you can keep tabs on this rapidly growing area. For more from Algopulse visit https://www.algopulse.io/.
Algorand Parliament of OWLs Release Generation 3 Drop Information
The Algorand Parliament of OWLs NFT project has revealed details about their upcoming generation 3 series launch including an airdrop and public shuffle. The public shuffle is set to take place on July 3 with a total of 2900 NFTs dropping at a mint price 60 ALGO. 2500 other NFTs will also be dropped on a holder airdrop. 115 NFTs will then be held for miscellaneous purposes. The launch comes at a good for who project that has enjoyed a recent boost thanks to advertising seen at the ongoing NFT NYC event in Manhattan.
Cosmic Champs Announce Partnership With Algogems
Algorand-based NFT game Cosmic Champs have partnered with NFT marketplace Algogems. The partnership will see Cosmic Champs NFTs listed on Algogems.
“Algogems is excited to collaborate with Cosmic Champs and support an out of this world NFT marketplace!” said CMO of Algogems Wilder Stubbs.
“Cosmic Champs will raise the bar on Algorand with their P2E NFT ecosystem.”
Al Dragon Sells Out First Drop in 2 Days
The Al Dragon project has sold out 50 NFTs in just two days. The Al Dragon project is an NFT avatar project for use in the Metaverse. There are eight categories of dragons available each with the utility to evolve to three levels. Each category of dragons will have further utility in the form of a real asset associated with it. Ownership of that dragon implies ownership of the real asset.
Linx missions coming soon
The Lynx project have announced a new initiative called Lynx Missions which will allow users to claim personalized NFTs. Users will be tasked with acquiring a full of their NFTs in 2D, 3D, Mutants, and Onyxes to complete the mission. Once the set is complete the project has promised users personalized NFTs as rewards.
Meta Watches Next Generation Dropping Soon
Algo Watches have announced their next generation collection will be launching soon with a slick new 3D art style. The project previously launched a collection of 2d style watches that proved popular with the community. “Three-Dimensional adaptation of AlgoWatches genesis art collection; with real-life upgrades and additional traits,” the project says.
“MetaWatches will further enhance the holders experience of virtual jewellery, while increasing the overall art quality and viewing perspective.
Galactic Astros Enjoys Successful Launch
The Galactic Astros NFT series has enjoyed an impressive launch of its new collection. The project which launched on the 20 is among the top 3 highest sales volume this week behind only Al Goanna and Crazy Goose Flock at the time of writing.
There are 2555 Galactic Astros with holders all gaining access to the project’s DAO. The aim with the DAO is to build and own the largest, most valuable blue-chip NFT collection on Algorand. As part of the DAO each week two Astros will be rewarded with numerous prizes.
Algorand Weekly NFT Stats
Top 10 Algorand NFT Projects in All-Time Sales Volume on NFT Explorer

Top 5 Algorand NFT Projects in Sales Volume Last Week on NFT Explorer

Thank you for reading the latest edition of NFT Watch presented by Algopulse. We look forward to bringing more of this content to the Algorand Community. If you think there is something we should have covered, or if you see some exciting Algorand NFT news for our next installment, please let us know on Twitter, Discord, or Telegram. For more from Algopulse visit https://www.algopulse.io/.