Welcome to NFT Watch presented by Algopulse, a weekly series covering all the latest news in the Algorand NFT space. We’ll be looking into the biggest drops, sales, and platforms on the market so that you can keep tabs on this rapidly growing area. For more from Algopulse visit https://www.algopulse.io/.
Totally Average Cats Most Popular Project of the Week
The new Totally Average Cats series enjoyed a successful launch week, selling out all 4000 NFTs in its collection. The project has so far amassed 290000 ALGO in sales volume making it the best-selling series of the week so far. The project is spearheaded by the creator DeRose & Freaky who according to the NFTexplorer records have not previously worked on another Algorand NFT project.
Tinyman Giveaway Glasses NFTs
In celebration of their ALGO/USDC pool Tinyman is giving away 3 Tinyman Party Glasses NFTs. To enter users simply need to leave a comment or RT this tweet if you want a new Tinyman Artifact. The pool has enjoyed a successful launch currently holding a TVL of $2,500,000 at the time of writing.
Algorand’s Head of Web3 to Take Part in Summit
The Algorand Foundation have announced that their Head of Web3 Shamir Ozery is hosting a session at the Web3 Summit at the Kogod School of Business. He is set to be a panellist/moderator on the "Web3 and the Creator Economy Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)”.
5 Governors Picked As Pera NFTs Winners
Pera have selected 5 of their governance participants as winners of a special NFT giveaway. The NFT is completely unique to the giveaway with users who staked their governance tokens through Pera being eligible. Pera have also confirmed that 10 further winners will be chosen from community members who report critical bugs, provide feedback, or participate actively in community channels.
Astros Release Algorand NFT Thread
Algorand enjoyed an all-time high in monthly Algo Volume sales in July. A thread from creator Astros Algo explained the growth of the ecosystem’s NFT space including new technologies such integration of the ACR19 NFT. Check out the full breakdown here.
Algorand Weekly NFT Stats
Top 10 Algorand NFT Projects in All-Time Sales Volume on NFT Explorer

Top 5 Algorand NFT Projects in Sales Volume Last Week on NFT Explorer

Top 5 Algorand NFT Artists in All-Time Sales Volume on NFT Explorer

Thank you for reading the latest edition of NFT Watch presented by Algopulse. We look forward to bringing more of this content to the Algorand Community. If you think there is something we should have covered, or if you see some exciting Algorand NFT news for our next installment, please let us know on Twitter, Discord, or Telegram. For more from Algopulse visit https://www.algopulse.io/.